Together with a talented graphic designer from Montreal Jonathan Lefrançois, we created a phytoplankton-themed sustainable tote bag. It is made in Canada with a goal to reduce our ecological footprint. All the profits from the sale of this bag will be donated to Mission Blue, an organization that does an amazing job by protecting our oceans.

Donate to Mission Blue to save our oceans
At MARPHYL®, we feel it is our social commitment to give back to what makes us possible to exist. Since day one, we have been donating 1% of all our sales to Mission Blue, an initiative of the Sylvia Earle Alliance (S.E.A.), that with public support protects Hope Spots – special places that are vital to the health of the ocean, the blue heart of our planet. With two hope spots under consideration where MARPHYL® Marine Phytoplankton is taken form, it is a perfect organisation to contribute to.
And today, you can join us in an endeavor to save our oceans! When you purchase this eco-friendly bag we will donate all the profits from the sales directly to Mission Blue. And you will reduce your use of plastic, too!
Voir tous les articles du NOTRE BLOG BIEN-ÊTRE | JARDINAGE | ALIMENTATION SAINE ainsi que des images de chiots occasionnelles et des nouvelles de l'entreprise